Allow Multiple OpenVPN Connections

In order to establish connections on the same client to multiple servers, there should be multiple adapters.
As this is not an issue for Linux users, it’s not possible by default for Windows users.
For Windows machines, you’ll need to run the following command in elevated CMD:

C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin>tapctl.exe create

If you run it once, you’ll have two adapters = two concurrent VPN connections, if you run it twice, you’ll have three adapters = connections, and so on and so forth.


Forcepoint VPN Connection Fails When Hyper-V is Installed

Yep, as the title says.
Your Forcepoint VPN client won’t be able to connect at all. Which is normal as it’s trying to manipulate the physical adapter, while it should only change settings of vSwitch assigned to external communications.
So? On the properties page of the physical adapter, uncheck the box for “Stonesoft VPN Client Driver” and then restart the Forcepoint client.

Sophos XG Site-to-Site VPN with Other FW Failed

Seems the method of using certificate-based connection won’t work with non-Sophos firewall.
I had to switch to shared-phrase in order to make it work.
Not sure if that problem is due to old firmware/device on the other side or is it compliance issue.

However, I had to go on the VPN settings on both firewalls and make sure all settings at both sides are exactly the same.
Finally, I decided to switch back to pre-shared key instead of the certificate-based authentication between the two appliances.
The moment I set the key on the initiator, the tunle immediatly came up.

HTH some1,,,