OWA 2003 Shows Icons Placeholders and “Loading” Word

I’ve came to a situation where I was so close to format the front-end server for one of my clients as it won’t work fine in the OWA interface.
Basically, there was a big issue for the SSL, and it didn’t work till I removed the IIS and re-installed it totally. Ofcourse, I’d to re-install the Exchange Server 2003 and the SP2 for it. I guess I did a mistake some where while following the article (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/320202 ) and then get no help on the net for the issue, but found hundreds of people asking for a solution. Found tons of articles for Exchange 2000 but nothing of it would fix the issue till find this article which doesn’t appear in Google search (don’t ask me I’ve no idea why) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/910119/en-us
I wish others would find it useful and not waste the same time I did. I spent over 12 continuous hours, and left the client site at 5:00 AM where the temperature was less than 5 degrees outside, and had to come next day to finish it.

One thought on “OWA 2003 Shows Icons Placeholders and “Loading” Word

  1. يقول كنان:

    It seems the update KB924334 adds a folder named “6.5.7651.60” under the “Exchsrvrexchweb”, and this supposed to be solved when the WSUS updates the system. Which guide me to another problem that WSUS doesn’t reapply the same patch again even if I totally removed and re-installed the server (which I did actually).

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