Sample WMI Filters for GPO in AD

Hereafter listed few filters I keep using on my projects.

Almost every client I’ve worked with had these filters implemented in their Group Policy Console of Windows Active Directory.

So I keep it here for faster access, and easier than searching for it every time on different sites on the the web.

FILTER 1: Select DCs & Member Servers

Namespace: root\CIMv2

Query: select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where ProductType=”3″ OR ProductType=”2″

FILTER 2: Select Domain Controllers (DCs) Only

Namespace: root\CIMv2

Query: select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where ProductType=”2″

FILTER 3: Select Member Servers Only

Namespace: root\CIMv2

Query: select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where ProductType=”3″

FILTER 4: Select Workstations Only

Namespace: root\CIMv2

Query: select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where ProductType=”1″

FILTER 5: Select Win 2008 Member Servers Only

Namespace: root\CIMv2

Query: select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where ProductType=”3″ AND Version like “6.%”

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